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Configuring Helm Install

Configuring Openstack, available services, availability zones or other Helm values is done in $ENV-ccx-override-values.yaml

Common Configs

  • ccFQDN - The domain name for the CCX installation
  • ccx
  • affiliation - name of CCX owner
  • config
    • clouds - cloud config per provider
    • code - cloud provider identifier
    • name - cloud provider name
      • instance_types - array of instances available
      • code - instance name
      • cpu - cores available per instance
      • disk_size - disk size (GB)
      • ram - RAM available (GB)
      • name - instance name
      • type - instance type
    • network_types-
      • code - network type identifier
      • in_vpc - if network is within a VPC
      • info - comment on network type
      • name - name of network type
    • regions - array of regions available
      • availability_zones -
      • code - AZ identifier
      • name - AZ name
      • city - city name
      • code - region identifier
      • continent_code - continent code
      • country_code - country code
      • display_code - user facing code
      • name - name of region
    • volume_types - array of volumes available
      • code - volume type code
      • has_iops
      • info - comment on volume type
      • name - name of volume type
      • size
      • default - default size of volume type
      • max - max size of volume type
      • min - min size of volume type
      • verified_level
    • databases - array of supported databases
    • beta - If the service is beta or not
    • code- database identifier
    • enabled - available to deploy (or not)
    • info - comment on database
    • name - database nane
    • num_nodes - array of nodes allowed
    • ports - array of opened ports
    • types - array of deployments supported
    • versions - array of supported versions
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